Creating rainbow in daily life is no short of a miracle but when you take a peep into nature, rainbows are a natural, beautiful outcome of the delicate balance of sun and clouds. And who doesn’t brighten a little more seeing a rainbow?

What does it mean to create rainbow in life? Today, it means to work and play and bring equal pleasure to both! Balancing love and logic has always been a see-saw and so is to even out work and enjoyment.

Science now shows that essential breaks like day dreaming, a little tapping of the feet, taking a 5-minute break, walking in a park and a power nap boosts productivity. Do you remember the duration of each class when we were in school? In my alma mater, it was 40 minutes and I still remember the rising temperature of restlessness in the last 5 of those 40 minutes. Therefore, we can pay attention to any activity and with focus and integrity for a maximum of 40 minutes!

Work, interspersed with moments of relaxation, attains a peak of efficiency and effectiveness at work and in all activities. Therefore, let us do that. Know that if you want to achieve more, take short and focused “rest and digest” breaks in between.

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