If you always do what you always did, you will always get what you always got.
Albert Einstein
Repetition is an essential skill as it requires minimal usage of the brain competence simply by way of its frequency in functionality. At the same time, in its entirety, it leads to the same result as well! Therefore, a different result requires some addition, edit and subtraction of the existing skillset.
It is the point where trainings come in useful, giving us the option to upgrade our software, the mind, to be able to have better dexterity. Alongside, if there are things that make you stay in the past, you got to get them to loosen their grip on you else they hold you hostage to a past that is now just a shadow.
Consider a number line as your life…
On this, take the left of the number line as the things/ memories/ emotions/ feelings that hold you hostage to the past; Zero as the present moment and positive integers as the future.
These trainings help us strengthen our number line and make our life more purposeful and meaningful to achieve our goals and ambitions and to deepen relationships with people who matter.
To know more about them, click on the arrow as you move your cursor over PERFORMANCE TRAININGS.